Research Projects
Funded Research Projects
2018-2022: Domain-specific languages for digital printing systems, TKI HTSM ES, 240K Euro
2018: MCRL2 in Spoofax, 4TU.NIRICT (TUD + TUE), 60K Euro
2017: Declarative Specification of Control-Flow and Data-Flow Analysis in the Spoofax Language Workbench, Oracle Labs, 75K$
2015-2020: Automatic Assessment and Feedback for Online Assignments, TUD, 100K Euro
2013-2020: The Language Designer’s Workbench, NWO VICI, 1.5M Euro
2012-2016: Deep Integration of Domain-Specific Languages (LangLib), NWO FC, 208K Euro
2012-2016: Development and Evaluation of the Spoofax Language Workbench, Oracle Labs, 200K Euro
2008-2012: Pull Deployment of Services (PDS), NWO/Jacquard, 368K Euro
2007-2011: Model-Driven Software Evolution (MoDSE), NWO/Jacquard, 730K Euro
2007-2011: Transformations for Abstractions (TFA), NWO FC, 171K Euro
2002-2008: Transparent Configuration Environments (TraCE), NWO/Jacquard, 320K Euro
2000-2005: A Transformation Factory for Digital Signal Processing Software, Philips
2001-2005: Models and Techniques for Variability Management, SERC
Software Projects
The research projects above have contributed to the following software projects.
Meta-programming projects:
- Spoofax: a language workbench
- SDF3: a syntax definition formalism
- NaBL: a name binding language
- Stratego: a DSL for program transformation
Web programming projects:
- WebDSL: a web programming language
- researchr: a web-based bibliography management system
- YellowGrass: a web-based issue tracker
- WebLab: a learning management system
No longer under active development (in my group):