Stratego/XT Machine for Code Generation 2009

May 30, 2009

For the participants of our hands-on tutorial on Creating DSLs with Stratego/XT at the Code Generation 2009 conference, we (i.e. Rob Vermaas) created a VirtualBox image with all the software needed during the tutorial. In particular, it contains a full installation of Stratego/XT with compiler, libraries, and auxiliary packages such as java-front. In addition, the image contains a built-from-source installation of the WebDSL language for building web applications, and an installation of tomcat for deploying created web apps.

The image and instructions for its installation are available from

During the tutorial additional material will be handed out with concrete exercises.

The virtual machine is also useful for exploring Stratego/XT and WebDSL outside the context of this particular tutorial.