Swiffy Translates Flash to HTML5

July 06, 2011

Last year, Pieter Senster came to ask me whether I would be interested in being his TU Delft advisor for a Master’s thesis project he would be conducting at Google which involved compilation. For a long time, the only thing I could say about it that he was doing a secret project at Google. Last week the result was announced and is now available for testing. Swiffy is a tool that converts Flash to HTML5. Marcel Gordon writes:

Swiffy uses a compact JSON representation of the animation, which is rendered using SVG and a bit of HTML5 and CSS3. ActionScript 2.0 is also present in the JSON object, and is interpreted in JavaScript in the browser. This representation makes the Swiffy animations almost as compact as the original SWF files.

A small gallery shows Flash animations and their indistinguishable Swiffy conversions.